WebUI 2.7 is out
Hi everybody,
After lot of work the new WebUI version is out: 2.7.
Major improvements
Besides a lot of UI improvements, the goal of this version is to allow the user to stay as much as possible in the "Problems" view (/all).

The accordions have been debugged and they are displaying a lot of useful information to avoid going into the detailed hosts/services views.

This version is also making a new place to comments, in the element's accordions. It should be easy to have a glance at the history of a service, and to add a new comment when necessary. It is actually opening the way to a more collaborative Shinken WebUI (something you usually find in tickets trackers or in Trello).

Some parts did get improved too:
- Improve and cleanup sidebar
- Lot of improvements and cleanup in problems view accordions
- Cleanup style of accordions
- Display comments in accordions
- Display notes in accordions
- Allow to add comments in accordions
- Debug impacts in accordions
- Add HTML anchors on accordions
- Hide checkboxes and check_all and problems page (replaced by link hidden behind Business impact, and ctrl+click or maj+click on items)
- Move actions in topbar
- Lot of code cleanup in forms and actions
- Infinite scrolling in element history
- Navbar fixed on top of screen
- When searching for hostgroups and hosttags, search returns hosts and associated services
- Replace downtime icon, improve get_fa_icon_state, and add column in problems view with ack and downtime icons
- Better log management
- Cleanup eltdetail information tab
Other features are available:
- Allow to add and list comments in item accordion (problems view)
- New is:SOFT, is:HARD and is:FLAPPING filters
- Quick "Schedule a downtime" with preset durations
- Experimental, may not work at all : New alerts statistics module allowing to see most frequent alerts on last 30 days (depends on mod-mongo-logs)
Aside enhancements there are some fixed bugs:
- 591 Fix Sound Toggle bug (Thanks @ornoone)
- 592 Fix Sound icon (Thanks @ornoone)
- 593 Fix Tooltip breaking tables columns (Thanks @ornoone)
- Fix tooltip bug on dashboard
- Manage Nagios Process avatar
- Debug ACK and Downtime modals
- Fix crash when searching for 'bp:'
Good update :)
Best regards
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