Byebye wordpress
Aside moving the old website to a brand new one there we are also moving the old wordpress based blog to this new one. It's based on the great Pelican tool. You can get the full sources of this blog on github.
We want this blog to be a great place to exchange about the project, but also the whole monitoring or dev world, especially python and javascript. Everyone in the community is welcomed to send a post if you want, just send us a pull-request, and if your post is great, it will be published :)
I hope this new file based post will encourage more core devs to posts news about the project or the incomming features, instead of one big thread each release. I talk also about myself here :)
From my personnal part I'll also expose where we are in the incomming 2.0 release, where the project is going (like "is the Enterprise version will hurt the community project?" questions) and why not a global roadmap before start to work on the next 2.2 version.
I'll also start new posts about tutorials. I think we should not limit the tutorials to the wiki but instead post them so everyone will easily find them. I'm working on a tutorial plan on google doc and if you want some tutorials about specific topics, you can add your idea :)
I'll try to do small videos for each tutorials, I'm looking at how to do this (if you know about good software about it I'm aware :) ).
So let's start with what make a good blog, not a great theme nor lot of widgets: it's content :)
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